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Rapid Prototyping - part 1

Sept 9, 2022

Sleeve Draping - part 1

- Draping exercise on muslin
   Short freshening up / introduction to basic

   draping techniques on sleeves. 

- Camping trip at Golden Ears to meet the new

  DETA students and test our creative resources

  building our own shelters. 

Easing back into Technical apparel design

          This first week of the semester was focussed on a refresher of draping techniques.  
While sometimes more appropriate for flowing garments, draping techniques can also be highly relevant for technical apparel in order to fit the body shapes and curves as closely as possible. We can study the human anatomy on paper with pattern making techniques but the fastest and most accurate way to get a bodily shape replicated is by using 3D techniques. 
         After marking axis on design lines on dummies, we tested draping with a very light muslin fabric.    
This method can be great to directly work, manipulate and be inspired by the bodily curves. It makes it easier to identify possible chafing areas and move seems to a more adequate area. It is the fastest way to take some distance from conventional construction seams in an organic way, and utilize the results for a more creative or aesthetic silhouette in addition to more ergonomically adequate.

Camping trip

Into the wild at Golden Ear Park, Beautiful British Columbia.

          Construction of shelters in the park, using biomimicry, and direct environment. Team building, in groups of six to seven individuals , split between new and returning students. This was a great opportunity to meet the new DETA students, and catch up with my own cohort.
Available material: 
    - Plastic sheets

    - Thin rope / lace

    - Bamboo rods

    - Duct tape

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